The Kimm Agency Middle East team assigned GL2U the responsibility of organizing the GSK Annual Cycle Meeting scheduled for January 17-22, 2022, in Abu Dhabi. The focus is to present the NEW GSK (new culture), aiming to motivate, inspire, and energize the participants by elaborating on its values, vision, and team dynamics.
What is the brief?
In anticipation of the forthcoming Cycle Meeting, the team is tasked with crafting a succinct concept and corresponding materials. The primary objective is to introduce the New GSK Culture and elucidate its key components:
-    Clarify the features of the new GSK (New Culture).
-    Motivate, inspire, and energize the team.
-    Ensure all participants feel valued and acknowledged.

A paramount focus is placed on guaranteeing that every attendee perceives a genuine sense of value and recognition. This approach is in harmony with the organization's dedication to fostering a positive and dynamic workplace culture.
What is the approach?
Centers on the universal hand gesture, "perfect," which carries positive connotations such as "good job" or "well done."
Emphasizes the number "3" using three fingers, each symbolizing the values that characterize GSK's new approach, striving for perfection:
-    Ambitious for patients
-    Accountable for impact
-    Do the right thing
The "new" logo represents GSK's evolving culture, underscoring the company's fresh approach to progress.
The chosen tagline alternatives aim to infuse a motivational element linked to the new approach. Each tagline aligns with the three pillars of the new GSK approach, and each body copy integrates one of the three keywords: new, simple, and safety, as well as the new culture.
The initial set of taglines blends the perfect concept with the three pillars.
Utilizes testimonials to enhance engagement and personalize the message, elucidating what makes GSK an ideal workplace.
What did we deliver?
Creative concept design
Event logo and branding design
Key visuals
3D designs (e.g., stage, photo booth, signage boards, welcome desk)
Digital designs (e.g., presentations, cover visuals, mailing, banners)
Promotional designs (e.g., tote bag, pen, notebook)
What were our achievements?
Successfully realized the objective of creating an interactive and motivating atmosphere during the event.
The incorporation of the 'Perfect' hand gesture with three fingers was widely embraced by the team, fostering a highly interactive experience and achieving significant success in participant engagement at the event.
Received an impressive 96% positive feedback from the team post-event regarding the importance of making attendees feel valued and recognized.
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